Multiple DiscChargers can be powered by a single battery pack
My Story
The stars alligned.
Several factors play into the genesis of this idea. Like many others, being in lock down sent us out looking for something to do outside. In my case, my wife and I were exploring local parks and kept noticing these odd baskets in random locations. Eventually we spotted some players and were intrigued. We bought some discs and got hooked in short order.
Being a new father and holding down a career did not allow for much opportunity to play in daylight hours. During the longer summer days a quick evening round was possible but as summer came to an end, dusk would force us off the course. That’s when I noticed some players who came equipped to play at night.
We watched a group of young people determined to not let something as trivial as daylight stop them from getting a round in. Some of them used glow tape, others had glow discs, and they used flashlights or cellphones to charge their discs and off they went.
This was the solution I didn’t know I needed. A set of glow discs and a UV flashlight now afforded me the opportunity to play at the end of every day. Night play became the routine but as the days grew shorter the air grew cooler. The inconvenience of manually charging a disc before each toss was tolerated on warmer nights, but cooler nights had me thinking there must be a better way.
I searched high and low but there were no solutions to my problem, the best I could find was some homemade toaster oven looking contraption that was too bulky to carry around, I needed something subtle and lightweight. As a tinkerer I set out to make my own.
The prototype started as an LED strip wrapped around a piece of cardboard but that didn’t last long. At this point I got serious, I took a silicone casting of a disc, filled it with epoxy and placed a grid of short LED strips soldered together in the middle. This iteration worked great but it was heavy and still took up more space than necessary. The final version placed the grid of short LED strips in a thin disc of acrylic.
This final iteration checked all the boxes - lightweight, compact and easy to use. Now glow disc golf is all action for me. Even with the responsibility of family and career, a hassle-free round at the local course is what I need to unwind each day.
My hope and wish is that the Disc Charger brings more dics golf into your life too.